Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Effective Communication in Business Quarterly

Question: Discuss about the Effective Communication in Business Quarterly. Answer: Introduction The aim of this paper is to present a guideline on effective business communication. The paper will be concentrating on the essential topic of correspondence within an organization and ways through which the communication system within the organization can be used to build trust among: The employees and the employers, The Customers and the employees, and The Employees and employees. The focus of this training session will be crucially covering a presentation of a training session (Aurner Wolf, 2007). The importance of trust in the communications in an organization is considered to be vital and therefore, this training session has been designed to delve into issues which would make the aspects more productive. Significance of the topic In todays businesses the aspect of trust is a key factor in attaining success. This is due to the fact that based upon the trust the essential element of efficient communication is developed. It can be assumed that trust and communication are interrelated aspects in modern day businesses. This is essentially due to the reason that a healthy communication results from mutual trust among all the stakeholders to the business, and effective communication builds the trust factor within the communication. This is the significance of this topic and the reason it is considered to be an indispensable element in the corporate undertakings. The aspect of trust is essentially developed in the corporate training sessions subsequent to induction and orientation of a fresh employee in an organization (Beelick, 2012). This is fundamentally due to the reason that the employee who has been presently recruited is required to understand the essential organizational framework and there is no better time than the training session to impart valuable knowledge to the trainees that would generate mutual trust among them and between them and the management. Objective The objective of this training session is to impart The significance of trust among the employees, develop trust among the trainees, explain the effective means of communication for building trust, And, lastly recommend practices to the management or the employers on ways to build trust. With the objectives identified for this purpose, the discussion on practice methods through which the aspect of trust can be implanted in the minds of the employees and stakeholders in the organization will be carried out in the subsequent section. Practice methods The following Practice methods have been chosen for accomplishing the objective of this topic i.e. development of trust through a series of training sessions: Communication oriented training sessions The essential aspect of such sort of training is that it enables the trainees to present their perspectives regarding themselves, and the organization without any inhibition. This type of training session is oriented towards enhancing communications through discussions and debate among the trainees as well the trainer who himself is a part of the governing body. The benefit which results from such interactive training session is that the trainees learn to develop their communicative skills in regards to the way they would be communicating or addressing a senior, a management body, a customer or a client (Effective communication, 2014). With this sort of training session the trainees develop their argumentative skills as well, they efficiently develop the manners which are required to formally address an argument. An interactive training session has the potential of knowing the trainees and also imparting knowledge of the organization to the trainees. Based upon this transparency betw een the employees and the organization the foundation of trust is built. Interactive activities Interactive activities are a key method in building trust among the employees and the management. In this kind of activity the employees get to know each other as well as they get properly acquainted with their employers in a less formal mannerism. This leads to generation of mutual trust among the employees and between the employees and the management, which in turn effectively results in the generation of good communication system among the employees (Hennington, 2008). Introducing listening programs Listening is a key aspect of good communication system. A proper communication can only result out when parties engaged in correspondence are listening to each others opinions and statements attentively. Listening attentively would result the individual to react appropriately to the opinion, query or statement the speaker has stated. This would enable the listener to give proper feedback to the speakers opinion, statement or query, which would in turn develop a trust between the two (Kiewiet, 2013). The speaker would find the listener trustworthy as the listener listened attentively, and the listener would find the speaker trustworthy as the listeners opinion would be accepted despite of the degree in which it was stated because he has already gained the trustworthiness of the speaker by listening attentively. This particular exercise would impart training on ways the employees would be able to deal with customers and clients effectively so that a good level of trust and communicatio n is established between the customers or clients and the organization (Nelson, 2015). Practices for the management The employers and the management is also required to demonstrate certain mannerisms that would help them gain the trust of their staffs. Here are a few guidelines as to how the management and employers would be able to accomplish such: Maintaining a level of transparency among the employees Providing appropriate explanations. Communicating more and often with the staffs. Maintaining consistency in gaining employee opinion. Showing positive attitude towards the employee endeavors. Listening to employee opinions (Rai Rai, 2009). Acknowledge contributions of the employees. Maintaining genuineness. Being accountable. Being realistic. Aligning promises and actions. Conclusion The purpose of a training session is to impart necessary and effective knowledge to an initiate to the organization in regards to the functionality of the organization. This is the basic objective of training sessions although the scope of training sessions reaches out to provide guidance on the new methods or providing new guidelines to make the old methods more effective (Williams Griffin, 2006). This paper focused on effective means of business communication and chiefly concentrated on the aspect of trust, the indispensability of the trust and communication in modern day businesses and the ways through which these two aspects can be developed concurrently. References Aurner, R. Wolf, M. (2007).Effective communication in business. Cincinnati: South-western Pub. Co. Beelick, D. (2012). Can Effective Communication Be Less Difficult?.Business Communication Quarterly,35(3), 25-27. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/108056997203500305 Effective communication. (2014). [Cambridge]. Hennington, J. (2008). Memorandums-an Effective Communication Tool for Management.Business Communication Quarterly,41(3), 10-14. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/108056997804100304 Kiewiet, M. (2013). Six Workable Tips Toward Effective Communication Care + Action = Effective Communication.Business Communication Quarterly,36(1), 19-21. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/108056997303600107 Nelson, M. (2015). Improving Interpersonal Business Relations Through Effective Communication.Business Communication Quarterly,38(1), 18-20. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/108056997503800112 Rai, U. Rai, S. (2009).Effective communication. Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Pub. House. Williams, C. Griffin, E. (2006).Effective business communication. New York: Ronald Press Co.

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